NASLIG Regional Committees

In line with the National Association of Sign Language Interpreters, Ghana constitution, NASLIG operates by a decentralized system. The NASLIG constitution recommends that its functions be carried out from the National, Regional and District levels.

Article VII of the constitution focuses on the formation and operations (functions) of the Regional Coordinating Committee – RCC.

Section 1 identifies the following as the membership of the RCC:

  1. Regional Coordinator
  2. Vice Regional Coordinator
  3. Secretary
  4. Vice Secretary
  5. Financial Secretary/Treasurer

Sections 2 to 9 identifies other definitions of the RCC. These include functions of the members (section2), number to serve on the committee (section 3), qualification (section 4), terms of office (section 5), nominations (section 6), election of committee members (section 7), compensation and indemnification (section 8), and disqualification of committee members (section 9).

There are currently six (6) Regional Coordinating Committees functioning from the regions. They comprise the following.

RCCRegional Coordinator
1Eastern RegionFrancis Kweku Essel
2Western RegionIsaac Abakah
3Western NorthAtta Nyamekye
4Bono/Ahafo/Bono EastMortey Benjamin Kofi
5Northern RegionAtawulai Fuseini
6Volta/Oti RegionFoster Elikem

NASLIG members are encouraged to contact their regional RCCs for assistance and guidance regarding interpreting activities within their regions. It is the hope of the national executive that through the RCCS, NASLIG would reach its twin goals of membership  mobilization and capacity-building for SLIs in Ghana.

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